EP 372: Patrick's Journey - Addicted in New York to finding sobriety in Florida

Apr 21, 2024

Show Notes:

In this episode of Real Recovery Talk, host Tom Conrad interviews Patrick, a middle-aged man who shares his journey from early addiction struggles in Brooklyn to finding a new path in life through rehab and recovery in Florida. Patrick's story includes his challenges with alcohol, pills, and the pressures of work in a high-risk environment, leading to his eventual realization of needing help. The conversation delves into his experiences in rehab, the importance of honesty in recovery, and how community and support played a crucial role in his transformation. The episode highlights the significance of turning one's mess into a message, showcasing Patrick's evolution from participant to house manager, and his ongoing contribution to the recovery community.

00:00 The Journey from Casual Use to Addiction
00:38 The Rehab Experience and the Search for Solutions
01:47 Introduction to Real Recovery Talk
05:13 Patrick's Story: From Brooklyn to Florida
09:35 The Dark Depths of Addiction in the Workplace
14:05 The Move to Florida and a New Beginning
16:35 The Struggle with Kratom and Seeking Help
24:50 Reflections on Treatment and the Path to Recovery
28:07 The Initial Reluctance and Gym Motivation
29:02 Arrival and First Impressions
31:03 The Realization and Decision to Seek Help
34:21 Embracing the Program and Finding a New Path
42:02 The Importance of Community and Honest Connections
56:33 Reflections on Recovery and the Journey Ahead

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