EP 359 - The Correlation of Bariatric surgery and Alcoholism

Mar 06, 2024


Discussing the Interplay of Substance Abuse, Bariatric Surgery, and Fitness

This episode of Real Recovery Talk, hosted by Tom Conrad with co-hosts Benjamin B. and Dr. T., delves into the complexities surrounding substance abuse, the impacts of bariatric surgery, and the importance of fitness and nutrition in recovery. The episode takes a deep dive into the topic of bariatric surgery and its potential to lead to alcoholism due to reduced stomach size and altered alcohol metabolism. The hosts discuss various bariatric procedures, their risks, and the importance of comprehensive post-surgery care and lifestyle changes to prevent relapse into unhealthy habits or the development of new addictions. The narrative also touches upon the importance of addressing the root causes of addiction and the role of fitness in maintaining a healthy recovery journey. They also discuss lifestyle and nutritional habits contributing to obesity, highlighting the influence of family upbringing and the correlation between obese parents and their children. The conversation transitions into the realm of fitness, shedding light on misconceptions about strength training, particularly among women, and emphasizing the role of muscle mass in fat burning and metabolism.

00:00 Introduction to Lifestyle and Nutrition
00:34 The Importance of Muscle in Fat Burning
01:42 Welcome to Real Recovery Talk
02:23 The Role of Caffeine in Fitness
06:16 Understanding Bariatric Surgery
10:49 The Impact of Food Addiction
11:25 The Connection Between Bariatric Surgery and Alcoholism
15:44 The Risks of Alcohol Consumption Post-Surgery
18:45 The Dangers of Unhealthy Eating Habits
21:49 Addressing Eating Habits in Detox
22:51 The Dangers of Unhealthy Weight Loss
24:04 The Quick Fix Mentality and Its Consequences
24:33 Understanding Ozempic and Its Effects
26:48 The Importance of Nutrition and Exercise
27:13 The Reality of Gastric Bypass and Weight Regain
31:17 The Role of Strength Training in Weight Management
31:40 Addressing Misconceptions about Women and Strength Training
37:42 The Impact of Strength Training on Bone Health
44:32 The Journey to Holistic Health
47:13 Conclusion: Turning Your Mess into Your Message


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