EP 361: Redefining Recovery: Brian's Journey from ADHD and Addiction to Sobriety

Mar 13, 2024

Redefining Recovery: Brian's Journey from ADHD and Addiction to Sobriety

In this episode of Real Recovery Talk, hosts Tom Conrad and Benjamin B. The guys welcome Brian to share his extensive journey through addiction, the consequences he faced, and his path toward recovery. Brian discusses his early encounters with drugs and alcohol, the impact of his ADHD and sexual orientation on his substance use, the varying treatments he underwent, and his aspirations for the future. The hosts, along with Brian, delve into topics such as the potential dangers of premature treatment, the importance of properly addressing ADHD in recovery, and harnessing personal challenges as a driving force for helping others in their recovery process. The episode emphasizes the notion of turning one's mess into a message, highlighting the importance of ongoing recovery efforts and the personal insights gained along the way.

00:00 Introduction to the Dangers of Premature Treatment
01:37 A Personal Journey into Addiction
03:40 The Struggles of Being a Gay Addict
12:19 The Dark Side of the Rave Scene
17:48 The Consequences of Drug Addiction
28:12 The Role of AA in Recovery
34:00 Passionate Group Discussions and the Struggle for Sobriety
34:59 The Tragic Consequences of Neglecting the Recovery Program
37:18 The Impact of Addiction on Relationships and Personal Life
37:36 The Journey of Sobriety and the Challenges of Relapse
38:45 The Devastating Effects of Alcohol: A Personal Story
42:44 The Dangerous Trend of Fentanyl in the Treatment Setting
46:43 The Struggle with ADHD in the Recovery Process
57:17 The Future of Recovery and the Importance of Helping Others
01:00:02 Final Thoughts and Reflections on the Recovery Journey

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