EP 368: Double Birthday Bash- 40 and fabulous w/ Ben and Tom

Apr 07, 2024

Turning 40: Reflections, Recovery, and Real Talk with Tom Conrad and Guests

In this heartfelt episode of Real Recovery Talk, host Tom Conrad, alongside guests Benjamin B and Dr. T, delves into personal stories of addiction, recovery, and the profound changes life undergoes over time. Tom shares his journey to sobriety, which began on September 16th, 2010, highlighting the challenges and transformations he faced along the way, from confronting insecurities and embracing non-traditional paths to success to the significant role of time in the healing process. The discussion covers the importance of service, community, and taking stock of one's achievements in maintaining sobriety. The trio also touches on aspirations for personal growth, the impact of their work, and fostering discussions around recovery. Additionally, Tom and Ben observe their shared 40th birthday, planning to attend the NCI convention and interviewing notable individuals who have stories of overcoming addiction. The episode concludes with reflections on future ambitions, the unwavering support of the Real Recovery Talk community, and a humorous nod to LaCroix beverages as an unexpected ally in sobriety.

00:00 The Journey to Sobriety: Personal Stories and Reflections
02:09 Introducing the Hosts and the Essence of Real Recovery Talk
02:18 Engaging with the Community: Listener Interaction and Support
04:20 Celebrating Sobriety and Personal Growth at 40
05:12 Upcoming Adventures: Orlando Trip and Podcast Collaborations
10:04 Reflections on Sobriety: The Impact of Service and Community
20:52 The Journey of Recovery: Personal Insights and Timeframes
22:14 The Role of Effort in Overcoming Addiction
23:20 Navigating the Unknowns of Recovery
24:34 Advice to Our Younger Selves and Our Children
29:55 The Unique Path to Medical School as an Athlete
33:28 The Importance of Life Skills Beyond Academics
36:30 Looking Forward: Hopes and Aspirations
41:32 A Lighthearted Conclusion: Food, Drinks, and Laughter

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